Internationales Forschungszentrum Chamisso-Literatur

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Fachinger, Petra (2001): Rewriting Germany from the margins. \"other\" German literature of the 1980s and 1990s. Montreal, Ithaca: McGill-Queen's University Press.

Goertz, Karein (1997): Borderless and Brazen: Ethnicity Redefined by Afro-German and Turkish German Poets. In: The Comparatist 21 (1), S. 68–91.

McGowan, Moray (2000): 'The Bridge of the Golden Horn': Istanbul, Europe and the 'Fractured Gaze from the West' in Turkish Writing in Germany. In: Andy Hollis (Hg.): Beyond Boundaries: Textual Representations of European Identity. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi (Yearbook of European Studies 15), S. 53–69.

Öztürk, Kadriye (2004): Orte und Sprachen der Erinnerung in der deutsch-türkischen Migrantenliteratur am Beispiel von Zehra Çıraks Gedichten. In: Manfred Durzak, Nilüfer Kuruyazıcı und Canan Şenöz Ayata (Hg.): Die andere Deutsche Literatur. Würzburg, Germany: Königshausen & Neumann, S. 154–161.

Palermo, Silvia (2011): Die Kunst der Wissenschaft/L'arte della scienza. Performance e progetto multimediale di Jürgen Walter e Zehra Çırak. In: Testi e Linguaggi 5, S. 327–343.

Thore, Petra (2010): Die vielen Enden des Schwebebalkens. In: Bo Andersson, Gernot Müller und Dessislava Stoeva-Holm (Hg.): Sprache-Literatur-Kultur: Text im Kontext. Uppsala, Sweden: Uppsala University (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Germanistica Upsaliensia (AUUSGU): 55), S. 289–294.

Veteto-Conrad, Marilya (1999): 'Innere Unruhe'? Zehra Çırak and Minority Literature Today. In: RMR 53 (2), S. 59–74.

William, Jennifer Marston (2012): Cognitive poetics and common ground in a multicultural context. the poetry of Zehra Cirak. In: The German Quarterly 85 (2), S. 173–192.
