Internationales Forschungszentrum Chamisso-Literatur

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Kasten, Ulla (2000): Rafik Schami: Damascene Storyteller. In: Banipal 8, S. 45.

Kasten, Ulla (2002): Rafik Schami: Two Short Stories. In: Banipal 14, S. 66–70.

Khalil, Iman Osman (1990): Rafik Schami's Fantasy and Fairy Tales. In: IFR 17 (2), S. 121–123.

Khalil, Iman Osman (1994): Narrative Strategies as Cultural Vehicles: On Rafik Schami's Novel Erzähler der Nacht. In: Carol Blackshire-Belay (Hg.): The Germanic mosaic. Cultural and linguistic diversity in society. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press (Contributions in ethnic studies, no. 33), S. 217–224.

Khalil, Iman Osman (1994): Zum Konzept der Multikulturalität im Werk Rafik Schamis. In: Monatshefte für deutschen Unterricht, deutsche Sprache und Literatur 86 (2), S. 201–217.

Khalil, Iman Osman (1998): From the Margins to the Center: Arab-German Authors and Issues. In: Lorenz, Dagmar C. G. und Renate S. Posthofen (Hg.): Transforming the Center, Eroding the Margins: Essays on Ethnic and Cultural Boundaries in German-Speaking Countries. Columbia, SC: Camden House (Studies in German Literature, Linguistics, and Culture (SGLLC)), S. 227–237.

Kinerney, Donna (1994): The Stories of Rafik Schami as Reflections of His Psychopolitical Program. In: Carol Blackshire-Belay (Hg.): The Germanic mosaic. Cultural and linguistic diversity in society. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press (Contributions in ethnic studies, no. 33), S. 225–239.
